Creating truly inclusive public spaces means considering the needs of everyone in the community, including people with disabilities. One crucial aspect of this is the careful selection and design of street and park furniture. In Australia, this translates to adhering to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and implementing the Australian Standard AS1428.2 – Design for access and mobility.
At Commercial Systems Australia (CSA), we understand the importance of accessible design. We offer a comprehensive range of DDA-compliant furniture, and we also have the capability to customise pieces to meet the specific requirements of any project.
What is DDA Compliance and AS1428.2?
The DDA aims to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities. AS1428.2 provides the technical specifications for achieving accessibility in the built environment, including outdoor spaces. When it comes to furniture, this standard outlines requirements for:
Why is DDA Compliant Furniture Important?
CSA is committed to providing high-quality, DDA-compliant furniture solutions. Incorporating compliant furniture into your project shouldn’t limit the aesthetic of your space, which is why we have numerous product ranges with DDA compliance in mind. Our range includes:
Customisation for Unique Needs:
We understand that every project is different. That’s why we offer customisation options to ensure our furniture perfectly meets the specific requirements of your space and complies with AS1428.2. Our team can work with you to adjust dimensions and configurations to meet the requirements.
Creating a More Inclusive Future:
By prioritising DDA compliance and choosing accessible furniture, we can create public spaces that are welcoming and inclusive for everyone. At CSA, we’re proud to play a part in building a more accessible future for all Australians.
Contact us today to learn more about our DDA-compliant furniture range and customisation options.