Queen Victoria Market Furniture

Queen Victoria Market. Urban Edge Landscape Architects
Custom recycled timber benches and movable planters.
Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
CSA were enlisted to help create two furniture elements for the rustic and heritage listed furniture elements. The first was a series of heavy timber benches made from galvanised mild steel and recycled Australian Spotted Gum battens. The second element was a group of tall planter boxes, also made from galvanised mild steel and treated pine timber battens. The QVM logo stenciled onto the face of the timber battens. All of these items designed to be moved around the market using the available forklifts.
Timber Benches: Mild steel frames, hot dipped galvanised and topped with recycled timber battens. Planters: Mild steel frames, hot dipped galvanised and clad with Treated Pine battens.